Kellenberger Kel-Varia UR225-1500 1-2-6-7 rectificadora cilíndrica

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Contactos del vendedor

Round Grinding Machines
Kel-Varia UR225-1500 1-2-6-7
grinding diameter: 450 mm
grinding length: 1500 mm
centreheight: 225 mm
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machineca.: m
T1: grinding wheel diameter 500 mm
T2: grinding wheel diameter 400 mm
T6: HF Fischer spindle MFV orMFZ 1224/1242/1260
T7: HF Fischer spindle MFV or MFZ1224/1242/1260
Marposs tool measurement
activelongitudinal positioning
Elaso GAP-control on T1 and T2
contactless integrated in the control surface
Elaso GAPinternal grinding with fluid sensor for T6 and T7
semi-automaticbalancing by Elaso
integrated in the control surface forT1/T2
tailstock hydraulic with fine adjustment +/- 150microns
dresser on workpiece spindle side table mounted
dresser on tailstock side table mounted
dresser on uppertable
new service- and userfriendly housing
Workhead with direct drive
stronglyrecommended for
non-circular grinding
workpiece weightflying max. 75kg
workpiece weight between centres 150kg
B-axis with direct drive
center height225 mm
extremely torsionally stiff
highly accuratepositioning
resolution 0.000001341°
Hydrostatic ball screw - x-axis
wear-free,as there is no contact during operation
no loss of precision,even during long-term use at full load and
maximum speed
no friction at low speeds
no friction force backlash when thedirection of rotation changes
translates even the smallestrotational movements
no stick-slip effect even at lowspeeds
no fluctuations in frictional torque due to ballcirculation
higher axial stiffness compared to ball screws
significant improvement in damping
resulting in better workpiecesurface
finish and tool life
no oscillations due to ballcirculation
also suitable for high speeds andaccelerations
cost-effective alternative to the linear motorwith greater precision and
significantly lower heatgeneration
significantly less power dissipation and
as aresult
no problems with swarf
on permanentmagnets
New hydraulic unit
optimized temperaturecontrol (chiller)
Only one pump controlledby VFD
Pressure monitoring
monitoring of the hydrostaticoil for
water content
(Damage to the bellows is recognisedand detected prematurely)
fine adjustment +/- 150microns
Paper belt filter
375l – alternative480l
Grinding mist extraction system –emulsion
complete machine accordingto Kellenberger protocoll
new modernFagor CNC with BEMA HMI
new electric cabinet
new digitaldrive technology
replacement of all electrical cables
new absolute external scales in x- and z-axis
newabsolute encoder (B-axis)
Grinding softwareBEMA-Standard
workpiece zeroing
grinding wheel B473074zeroing
dressing diamond measuring
external and internal surface grinding
external and internalangle grinding
(turning of the b-axis
dressing with straightwheel)
external and internal radius grinding (radius dressed onwheel)
semi-automatic traverse grinding
2 dressing diamonds
1 dressing blade
dressing roll
3 flat dresser
GAP control
Optional grinding cyclesat no extra charge
Profile plunge grinding
external andinternal profile plunge grinding with profile wheel
external and internal profile grinding with straightwheel
Software thread grinding
single- andmultiple-start external and internal thread
Grinding withthread dressed on the wheel
Dressing of single and multi-groovedisc
Flank angle freely selectable
Trapezoidal threadgrinding
Additional dressing of trapezoidal threadspossible
Non-round grinding
external and internalnon-circular plunge-cut grinding
external and internalnon-circular oscillating grinding